What is ISO 27001? Quick and easy explanation.


What is the meaning of ISO 27001?

ISO 27001Certification in Sri Lanka First, it is important to note that the full form of ISO 27001 is “ISO/IEC 27001 - Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements.”

ISO 27001 Registration in Sri Lanka It is one of the most leading international standard focused on the information security, so that it is published by the International organization for Standardization, in the partnership with an International Electrotechnical Commission.  Both are leading international organizations that develops the international standards.

What is the main purpose of ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 Services inSri Lanka The main use of ISO 27001 was  developed to help the organizations, of any size or any industry, to protect their information with certain method or in a systematic and cost-effective way, through the adoption of an Information Security Management System.

Why ISO 27001 is most important?

ISO 27001 Certification cost in Sri Lanka Not only does the standard provide companies with the necessary know-how for that protecting their most valuable information, but a company can also get certified against with the ISO 27001 and, in this way, prove to its customers and partners that it safeguards their data.

What are the main 3 ISMS security objectives?

ISO 27001 Consultancyin Sri Lanka The basic goal of ISO 27001 is to protect three aspects of information:

·         Confidentiality: only the authorized persons have the right to access information.

·         Integrity: only the authorized persons can able to change the information.

·         Availability: the information must need to accessible to authorized persons whenever it is needed.

How many controls are there in ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 Implementation in Sri Lanka ISO 27001 Annex A lists 114 controls organized in the 14 sections numbered A.5 through A.18 listed above.

How do you implement ISO 27001 controls?

ISO 27001 in Sri Lanka

Technical controls are primarily implemented in the information of systems, with the usage software, hardware, and firmware components added to the system. For example such as backup, antivirus software.

Organizational controls are implemented by defining the rules to be followed, and expected behaviour from the other users, and the equipment, software, and systems.  Such as Access Control Policy, BYOD Policy, etc.

Legal controls can be implemented by ensuring that the rules and expected by the behaviours follow and enforce the laws, regulations, contracts, and other similar legal instruments that the organization must comply with NDA and SLA.

Physical controls are the primarily implemented by using the equipment or devices such that it will have a physical interaction will people and objects such as CCTV cameras, alarm systems, locks, etc.

Human resource controls are implemented by providing the knowledge, and also a good education, with proper skills with an good experience to the persons to enable them to perform their activities in a secure way for example security awareness training, ISO 27001 international auditor training.

ISO 27001 mandatory documents

ISO 27001 Consultant Services in Sri Lanka ISO 27001 specifies a minimum set of policies, procedures, plans, records, and also other documented information that are needed to become compliant.

·         Scope of the ISMS

·         Supplier Security Policy

·         Inventory of Assets


Our advice, Go for it
 By looking all reason everyone getting how the ISO 27001 certification will help to information security management system. If you are looking to get an ISO 27001 Consultant Services in Sri Lanka?
 How to get ISO 27001 Consultant Services in Sri Lanka?
Certvalue is one of the leading ISO 27001 Consultants in Sri Lanka to providing the information security management system to all organizations. We are one of the well-recognized firms with experts in every industry sector to implement the standard with 100% track record of success. You can write us at contact@certvalue.com or visit our official website at we are ISO Certification Consultant Companies in Saudi Arabia, Australia, Oman, Lebanon, Qatar, New Zealand, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Italy and India. Certvalue and provide your contact details so that one of our certification expert shall contact you at the earliest to understand your requirements better and provide best available service at market.  














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